Showing 176 - 191 of 191 Results
Resurrection of the Body : A Discourse Delivered in the Presbyterian Church in Georgetown, o... by Smith, Samuel Stanhope ISBN: 9780267236336 List Price: $7.97
Resurrection of the Body : A Discourse Delivered in the Presbyterian Church in Georgetown, o... by Smith, Samuel Stanhope ISBN: 9780267317967 List Price: $24.31
On the Love of Praise : A Sermon, Delivered Sept; 23, 1810, Being the Sunday Preceding Comme... by Smith, Samuel Stanhope ISBN: 9780267506330 List Price: $24.72
Lectures, Corrected and Improved, Which Have Been Delivered for a Series of Years in the Col... by Smith, Samuel Stanhope ISBN: 9780483301900 List Price: $31.86
Sermons, by Samuel Stanhope Smith, D.D. President of the College of New-Jersey. Corrected an... by Smith, Samuel Stanhope, Sam... ISBN: 9781379389620 List Price: $29.95
A Discourse on the Nature and Reasonableness of Fasting, and on the Existing Causes That Cal... by Smith, Samuel Stanhope, Sam... ISBN: 9781385698822 List Price: $19.95
The Divine Goodness to the United States of America. a Discourse, on the Subjects of Nationa... by Smith, Samuel Stanhope, Sam... ISBN: 9781385791929 List Price: $19.95
Essay on the Causes of the Variety of Complexion and Figure in the Human Species. to Which A... by Smith, Samuel Stanhope ISBN: 9780608400365 List Price: $127.50
An Essay on the Causes of the Variety of Complexion and Figure in the Human Species. to Whic... by Samuel Stanhope Smith ISBN: 9781357295257 List Price: $28.95
Sermons of Samuel Stanhope Smith ... to Which Is Prefixed, a Brief Memoir of His Life and Wr... by Smith, Samuel Stanhope 1750... ISBN: 9781371903244 List Price: $28.95
Sermons of Samuel Stanhope Smith ... to Which Is Prefixed, a Brief Memoir of His Life and Wr... by Smith, Samuel Stanhope 1750... ISBN: 9781371903220 List Price: $18.95
A Comprehensive View of the Leading and Most Important Principles of Natural and Revealed Re... by Samuel Stanhope Smith ISBN: 9780530378299 List Price: $29.95
A Discourse Delivered on the 22d of February, 1797, at the Funeral of the Rev. Gilbert Tenne... by Smith, Samuel Stanhope, Sam... ISBN: 9781385583265 List Price: $19.95
The New Jersey Preacher: Or, Sermons On Plain and Practical Subjects by Smith, Samuel Stanhope 1750... ISBN: 9781014036971
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